Human Dynamics – An Introductory Course for Teachers
A new approach to understanding the inner diversity among your students in the ways in which they naturally think, learn, experience emotion and communicate
In this online course you will be introduced to Human Dynamics – a profound body of knowledge that identifies innate differences in how people think, learn, plan, and communicate. Because these innate differences in our inner processes are generally unknown, they often lead to a great deal of misunderstanding. They can also lead to students failing to reach their potential in school, when instruction does not accommodate their particular processes of learning and communicating. When these inner differences are recognized and understood however, the way is open to bring about far more effective teaching, as well as parenting, relationship building and teamwork.
This course includes two online chat room sessions in which you can ask Dr. Seagal any questions you have, and also share with the other participants in the program your experience in applying what you have learned.
Your Instructor
Dr. Eve Seagal has a background in clinical psychology, as well as extensive training and experience in the specialized field of Human Dynamics.
Dr. Seagal has contributed to program development at Human Dynamics International since 2014. In this time she has overseen, and engaged in, the updating and redesign of the existing Human Dynamics Programs for personal and organizational development, and for training teachers. She has also personally created, and successfully conducted, in the context of a Los Angeles continuation high school, unique Human Dynamics based programs for the self-understanding and personal development of youth and at-risk youth.
Dr. Seagal is a highly sought after presenter and facilitator of all of these programs. She also leads a Human Dynamics team in training and licensing other professionals to conduct Human Dynamics programs.
Most recently, Dr. Seagal has been deeply involved in co-producing Human Dynamics online courses, including those for leadership development, teacher training, and parenting, as well as for the self-understanding and development of youth and at-risk youth.
Course Curriculum
StartModule 2 Lesson 1 (16:24)
StartWorksheet 1
StartTeacher Exercise - A
StartModule 2 Lesson 2 (3:43)
StartWorksheet 2
StartTeacher Exercise - B
StartModule 2 Lesson 3 (3:24)
StartWorksheet 3
StartTeacher Exercise - C
StartModule 2 Lesson 4 (6:14)
StartWorksheet 4
StartTeacher Exercise - D
StartModule 2 Lesson 5 (4:34)
StartWorksheet 5
StartTeacher Exercise - E
StartModule 2 Lesson 6 (24:46)
StartWorksheet 6
StartModule 2 Lesson 7 (7:06)